End of The Year Art Games
Looking for end of the year art activities that are fun and creative? You've come to the right blog post! I've been using this card set for years-- here is the basic gist of it! Each child (or if they want to work in pairs I let them) chooses 3 cards (object, place and adjective) and then uses those cards to inspire a work of art.
You can keep it very simple and only use drawing materials or you can amp it up to mixed media and add in cards from additional sets like Elements of Art. The game has 6 sets of cards: Elements of Art, Principles of Design, Nouns, Adjectives, Settings, and Art Materials.
Yesterday when I played with my 3rd graders I told them 3 cards and 3 different media.
Another way to play is to have the kids pick from a certain number of sets but keep their cards a secret. Then at the end of class they shared their work all the rest of the kids had to guess which 3 cards they got. It was so much fun.
Please send me a photo if you use these in your classroom, I would love to see what your kids come up with!
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